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Choosing The Right Insurance: Life Insurance Vs Health Insurance

February 26, 2025

Finding the right type of insurance can often be tricky due to the wide spectrum of policies and providers out there. That notion is shared with life insurance and health insurance. They may sound very similar, but they are in fact completely different.

If you’re trying to find out which insurance will be right for you, the Private Health Company is here to explain the difference between life and health insurance and steer you in the right direction to receive expert help sourcing the ideal policy.

family health insurance plans

What is health insurance?

Health insurance, other times known as general health insurance, is a type of cover for medical costs of the policyholder when unforeseen circumstances arise, whether a new illness or condition, and allows policyholders to access treatments, doctors and other benefits quickly thanks to private care, without the financial burden that comes with it.

Health insurance in the UK can be for individuals, whole families and businesses, all tailored to different medical needs and budgets.

What to consider when choosing health insurance

The big difference between life and health insurance is the type of cover they both offer.

Private health insurance, depending on the insurance provider and custom policy, generally covers:

  • Choice of hospital and doctors: Policyholders can decide where treatments, surgeries or checkups can take place and by whom. This enables the most comfortable and reassuring experience possible, ideal for those who find visiting hospitals or doctors distressing.
  • Treatments and drugs not found in the NHS: While the NHS is a pivotal part of the UK, private healthcare insurance presents opportunities to receive medication and treatments not found in our National Health Service.
  • Shorter wait times: Only 76.3% of patients attending A&E, according to NHS statistics in September 2024, were seen and discharged within 4 hours, a sharp drop from the constitutional standard of 95%, as well as people waiting months, sometimes years for certain treatments. Private healthcare insurance will speed up waiting times, ensuring you receive care as soon as you need it.
  • Private hospitals and rooms: Surgeries or illnesses requiring hospitalisation can be carried out in private hospitals and rooms, providing a more comfortable environment during difficult times.

These are just some of the benefits of private healthcare – to learn more about what is included, talk to one of our team members.

health insurance coverage

What is not covered by private health insurance?

While health insurance comes with plenty of benefits, many providers will limit what’s on offer.

  • Chronic conditions: You won’t receive cover for ongoing management of conditions like diabetes or asthma.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: Unless specified in a specialised policy, maternity care won’t be included.
  • Cosmetic procedures: Surgeries for aesthetic alterations are not part of health insurance.
  • Pre-existing conditions: Existing health issues diagnosed before you start your policy are not covered.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a type of cover where family members and loved ones receive a payout in the event the policyholder passes away or is diagnosed with a terminal illness. There are many different, flexible life insurance policies available throughout the UK, each tailored to various needs and budgets.

Types of life insurance include:

  • Term Life Insurance: Policyholders will have cover for a set period, with insurance providers paying out if you pass away during the set term. This is chosen by many who have distinct financial obligations such as mortgages.
  • Whole of Life Insurance: This is for those looking for lifelong coverage and, while typically coming with higher premiums, ensures a guaranteed payout to beneficiaries, with the benefit of helping with inheritance tax and other financial concerns.

What does life insurance cover?

Depending on your policy specifics, life insurance can cover several things:

  • Mortgage protection: Also known as decreasing cover in the event of an untimely death, financial cover for a policyholder’s mortgage will be protected, and as the mortgage is paid off with the money given out by the provider, the level of cover will decrease.
  • Annual health checks: Some life insurance policies will include annual health checks for policyholders.
  • Mental health support: During a bereavement, loved ones’ and family members’ state of mind can be compromised, and life insurance can cover grief support and counselling.

What is not covered by life insurance?

Life insurance won’t cover certain criteria, including:

  • Cause of death: If the policyholder’s cause of death was due to illegal activities, the policy will probably be made void, resulting in no lump sum for the chosen recipients. The same typically applies to deaths resulting from high-risk activities.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions: Unless discussed with your provider or insurance broker and confirmed before purchasing your policy, pre-existing conditions won’t be covered.
health insurance coverage

Key differences between life and health insurance

Health Insurance Life Insurance
Length of Policy Down to the individual signing onto the policy. Length of term is flexible. Have cover for a fixed term or take out a life-long policy.
Benefits Covers costs for medical expenses, receive quicker treatments and choice of hospitals and doctors. Pays a lump sum to chosen beneficiaries in the event of death or diagnosis of a terminal illness.
Payment Premiums are typically paid monthly on your chosen term length. Life insurance is paid monthly.
Beneficiaries Can be for the individual policy holder as well as opportunities to include family members. Policyholders choose who receives payouts.

Do I need life and health insurance?

Debating whether you need life insurance vs health insurance, or both, will depend on your individual health concerns and life circumstances. 

Most people take out life insurance if they have debts, including mortgages and other loan types, as in the event of passing away, these debts will transfer over to the policyholder’s estate. Life insurance provides a pay out to ease the hardship of continuing to pay off these debts, as well as providing financial stability for families paying for funerals. 

Private health insurance on the other hand can help deliver access to specialist medical treatments, procedures and therapies, and is designed to help cover the potential costs associated with gaining access to such services. Policies are varied and often offer options for tailoring depending on an individuals specific needs. 

Fully assess which type of insurance might be most suitable for you with unbiased advice from the team at the Private Healthcare Company. 

Can I have both life and health insurance?

It is very possible to have both life insurance and health insurance at the same time. However, there are some aspects to consider when taking out both types.

If you decide to go for both, there may be options for the policyholder to take out a joint life and health insurance policy or have two separate policies. Individuals might need to take out two separate policies, depending on the provider and if they already have an existing life or healthcare policy in place. 

Our professional team of advisors at The Private Healthcare Company are able to offer unrivalled advice on policies for both health and life insurance. Whether you’re looking into a policy for the first time or already have health or life insurance in place for you and your loved ones, we can help you compare and switch, ensuring the cover you have perfectly meets your circumstances. 

health insurance coverage

Considering investing in a health insurance policy? Speak with our experts today!

Life and health insurance encompass many differences, including what is and isn’t covered, the types of compensation beneficiaries receive and the length and flexibility of the policy term. However, one or the other, or indeed both, will provide benefits for each individual and family depending on specific circumstances. In the UK’s current state, we highly recommend taking out private health insurance for security for both health concerns and financially. We can help fulfil this need by consulting with you and sourcing the ideal health insurance policy, tailored directly to your specific needs. 

Get in touch with us at the Private Healthcare Company and receive a free quote by filling in your information using our contact form, or call us on 01242 575 466 and talk to us directly.

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